Top UK military chief reveals exactly how long we would survive in WW3 fight with Russia | UK | News

The UK has been warned that its ammunition would run out in less than two months if a third world war broke out with Russia. Conservative defence committee member, Mark Francois raised concerns during a meeting this week which were acknowledged as true by deputy chief of defence staff, Lt Gen Sir Rob Macgowan.

Francois said: “We couldn’t fight Putin for more than a couple of months in a full-on shooting war because we don’t have the ammunition and the reserves of equipment to do it, that’s true isn’t it?”

But defence secretary Grant Shapps was quick to point out that in the event of war, it is likely the UK would fight alongside Nato allies who together could outgun Russia.

Shapps said: “For people watching, and hearing that the UK isn’t ready for war exclusively with Russia, it’s important to understand that because we are in Nato and (mutual defence agreement) Article 5 exists, we would never be in that situation.”

It is thought defence spending will be 2.3 percent of GDP next year and will only reach 2.5 percent “when the conditions allow” prime minister Rishi Sunak told the Liaison Committee.

At the defence meeting, Shapps said “of course I made representations” for more money in March’s budget, adding “what kind of secretary of state wouldn’t?”.

He told MPs: “We are committed to going to 2.5 percent. Of course, as secretary of state for defence, I argued that we should do that as possible.”

It comes after a senior officer warned the prime minister that the military needs more money for munitions and anti-missile systems.

The government has committed to increasing spending to 2.5% but has not confirmed when this will happen.

During the meeting Lt Gen MacGowan insisted the UK was „ready for war“ although he acknowledged it was not prepared for an enduring war against Russia.

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