Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew ‚would receive King’s blessing‘ if they wanted to remarry | Royal | News

Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew would receive King Charles’s blessing should they decide to remarry, it has been claimed.

The Duke and Duchess of York have been divorced for nearly three decades, but their warm relationship and living arrangements have regularly prompted speculation the couple may end up tying the knot for a second time.

And a source has claimed the King would not oppose a similar move – albeit the second nuptials would be rather different than the lavish royal wedding celebrated by the Yorks in 1986.

The Daily Mail diarist Ephraim Hardcastle wrote: „A source whispers that Charles has indicated to Andrew and Fergie that he would give his blessing.“

While Andrew doesn’t need the approval of the monarch to get married due to his position on the line of succession to the throne, the endorsement of his elder brother remains „important“, the columnist added.

He continued: „My source adds that it would be likely to take place in the small royal chapel of All Saints, near Andrew and Sarah’s home at Royal Lodge and the site of Princess Beatrice’s pandemic-era, low-key wedding in 2020.“

Sarah, also known as Fergie by her friends and fans, and Andrew got married on July 23 1986 at Westminster Abbey, in front of an estimated 500 million TV viewers worldwide.

The Duchess of York has opened up in the past about her uncommon relationship with her ex-husband.

Fergie, who has published several books over the past decades including novels and children’s stories, said in 2013 Andrew remains her „handsome prince“ and together they have been able to be good parents for their children Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice.

In 2018, Sarah described herself and Andrew as the „happiest divorced couple in the world“, explaining they divorced „to each other, not from each other“.

And three years later, the Duchess said: „I kept my commitment, no matter what. People said, ‘You got divorced.’ They don’t know how I feel.“

The Yorks continue to share a home, the Royal Lodge in Windsor, as confirmed by Fergie herself in 2022.

She said at the time: „I travel a lot and I’ve always been able to make wherever I am home. If I am staying in a hotel I have the same family photographs and scented candles around me. When I’m in the UK I’m lucky enough to stay at Royal Lodge. I wouldn’t call it my home as that would be presumptuous.“

The two royals have been there for each other during difficult times. Nevertheless, those close to the happy divorced couple don’t believe this means Andrew and Sarah want to remarry.

A source told the Telegraph: „They support each other but very much enjoy their independence. The Duchess has vehemently denied that she wants to re-enter the Firm and has said she would not consider remarrying.“

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