Renting properties: landlord stuns with bizarre response to man’s text

When you rent property, it can be super tough to reach your landlord sometimes.

People are always so busy and, if they let multiple properties, there’s a chance you may be on a long list of people to call back. None the less, it’s annoying when they take time to reply.

One bloke knows this all to well, and he was left so perplexed by a message exchange that he decided to share the story on X (formerly known as Twitter). He wrote: „Bro come on“, alongside the picture of this phone, and it’s left people chuckling.

In the message, he asks the landlord when he can pick up the keys to the property he’s moving into, but he doesn’t reply on the same night. This led the bloke to message again for an update the following morning.

Eventually, he did get a reply later the next day, but the response left the tennant dumbfounded. He simply responded by sending an emjoi of a mouse.

After he shared the troublesome tale, people were quick to start cracking jokes. People said it was an „interesting“ response, but it really was hard for some people not to take the mick.

One person said: „When the landlord is big cheddah.“ Another replied: „Rentatouille I’m sorry.“

A third added: „Bro only wants your cheddar.“ Meanwhile, a fourth commented: „If he tells you to pay the rent in cheese, call the tenants union.“

Many were also quick to reply by simply posting more mouse emojis. It really did start a hilarious thread of cheese-related puns.

It’s easier to make light of the situation when you’re not waiting for keys, after all!

Meanwhile, others tried to offer some advice too. Some even thought the landlord just needed a little more time to respond.

One person said: „Sounds like you got scammed.“ Another chirped in with: „Usually you don’t get the keys until your move in date.“

A third replied: „Give him some time – he’s still reading it.“ One more simply quipped: „My type of landlord.“

It’s fair to say the post left a lot of people chuckling, though they could understand the bloke’s frustration. Most people just couldn’t resist cracking jokes though, as the emoki was just so comical.

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