Mum loses nine stone after ditching favourite snack | UK | News

A mum who was addicted to chocolate managed to lose nine stone before her milestone birthday by giving up her favourite sweet treat. Kat Burrows, 35, who used to binge on Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut during late-night snack sessions, decided to ditch the unhealthy habit as she approached her 30th birthday.

Despite trying various diets and weight loss plans, Kat struggled with emotional eating which often sabotaged her progress. The former IT worker, who was unhappy with her weight at 19st 13lbs, said: „I was sick of feeling miserable and exhausted all the time.“

Determined to enter her 30s „in the best shape of her life,“ Kat managed to transform her physique by losing a whopping nine stone. She achieved this impressive weight loss by cutting out processed carbs and sugar from her diet, reported the Mirror.

The lifestyle change not only helped her shed the pounds but also boosted her confidence, enabling her to start dating again. Kat, who is now married to her husband, Harvey Burrows, and mother to their two boys, Jenson-Kai and Harvey-Leigh, has transformed her life by shedding the weight.

Now 10st 10lbs and a dress size 10, she’s expecting a third child. She said: „After being overweight most of my adult life, I was sick of feeling miserable and exhausted all the time. I knew that I didn’t want to enter my thirties in the same body, I was determined to get into shape.“

Opening up about her weight loss journey, Kat added: „I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it alone, so I enrolled in a weight loss plan with regular meetings – having other people around me helped me stay motivated. But my husband was my biggest supporter, he’d always tell me how proud he was and would help cook healthy meals with me.“

She noticed the change in her weight before her 30th birthday and was moved to tears: „The weight started falling off and when I saw the scales just before my 30th, I cried happy tears because I couldn’t believe that I did it.“

Kat had once feared motherhood might not be possible due to her weight. However, a year later, she tied the knot with Harvey, saying: „Because of my weight, I just accepted that motherhood was something that might never happen for me.

„The following year, Harvey and I tied the knot, I was able to marry the man of my dreams in the dress of my dreams.“

Reflecting on her new life, added: „We’ve since started our little family and I’m thankful that I lost the weight because now I’m able to be the best mum I can to my boys. I’ve been able to keep the weight off but I’m mostly grateful for the life I’ve gained.“

Kat, who always had a hard time with her weight, found comfort in food during tough times. She said: „Food was the answer to a bad day for me. I’d get something quick and unhealthy for my lunch break at work, like McDonald’s and then snack on Walker’s Ready Salted crisps in the afternoon.“

„In the evenings, I’d love to just relax with a takeaway and a big bar of Fruit and Nut. Pizza or a Chinese food would be my weakness.

„During a bad week, I could get through seven bars of chocolate, and it took its toll on my body and I spent all my twenties hating my reflection.“

But when she turned 29 and weighed 19st 13lbs, Kat decided „enough was enough“. She wanted to change before turning 30 because tackling her weight was the „last piece of the puzzle“.

After joining the Lighter Life weight loss plan and swapping high-calorie meals for meal replacement shakes, she lost three stone in three months.

Kat added: „I tried the gym for a bit but Pilates and yoga, which I still do now, were more for me- I love it. When the scales confirmed I’d lost 2 stone on my 30th birthday, I was made up. I celebrated by going for a special dinner at Miller and Carter with Harvey and my family.“

„Being able to dress up in something that made me feel confident was a bonus. The following year, I got married and the year after that I was pregnant.“

“ I’d never go back to my habits because I love being a hands-on mum and the feeling of confidence I have in my body.“

„Losing weight has not just given me my life back but I’ve been able to fulfil my 30s.“

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