Manifesto calls for state pension at 65 with payments to increase for everyone | Personal Finance | Finance

The state pension age should be lowered to 65 with all plans to increase it scrapped, a new manifesto has said.

Trade Union Unite has called for the policy change in its ‚Decent Retirement for All‘ manifesto, with the General Election just a few weeks away.

The document states: „Workers deserve to look forward to a long and healthy retirement. Life expectancy is declining and increasing numbers of people are dropping out of work due to ill health.

„The planned state pension age rises should be scrapped and the state pension age should be lowered to 65.“

The group also wants the triple lock to be retained and for state pension payments to increase for everyone.

The Tories said this would provide a tax cut of aound £100 for eight million pensioners each year, rising to £725 by the end of the next Parliament.

In their bid to retain power, the Conservatives also said they will not introduce any new taxes on pensions, will keep the 25 percent tax-free lump sum and will maintain tax relief on pension contributions at the marginal rate.

The manifesto also states: „We will maintain all current pensioner benefits, including free bus passes, Winter Fuel Payments, free prescriptions and TV licences.

„We are carefully considering the Ombudsman report into WASPI women and will work with Parliament to provide an appropriate and swift response.“

The Unite manifesto called for „proper compensation for the WASPI women“ as well as an apology from the Government.

The Liberal Democrats have also set out their manifesto, which calls for action on the WASPI issue to ensure the women are “ fairly and properly compensated“.

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