Labour civil war brews over £28b pledge on green policies | Politics | News

A civil war within the Labour Party is fuelling rows over its pledge to spend £28billion on green policies.

Critics of Shadow Environment Secretary Ed Miliband are stirring up divisions as they still resent the decisions he made as leader, a Shadow Minister said.

Mr Miliband has championed proposals for a future Labour government to borrow billions to fund new electric car battery factories, wind farms, home insulation and other eco schemes.

But reports are now swirling that the party could scrap it entirely as a manifesto pledge.

The Shadow Minister said: “There are people in the Shadow Cabinet who don’t like Ed and they see this as a way of attacking him.“

“We haven’t explained the policy well. We allowed it to become a debate about borrowing instead of talking about the jobs it will create.”

Mr Miliband led Labour from 2010 to 2015 and some blame him for changes to party rules that critics believe allowed Jeremy Corbyn to replace him.

In 2021, Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced plans to spend £28billion “each and every year of this decade” to create jobs and “protect our planet for future generations”.

The party has since downgraded this vow, saying spending will begin at a lower level and reach £28billion by the end of the next Parliament.

Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones said last week the figure will be axed and “the number will move around”.

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