D-Day vets scramble to save an iconic landmark of the mighty military invasio… | UK | News

This crumbling French farmhouse looks like any one of the thousands dotting the Normandy countryside.  

Yet the unassuming stone building is arguably the most significant structure in Northern France. 

It was commandeered by Major John Howard after the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry captured Pegasus Bridge at 12.16am on June 6, 1944, in one of the first acts of D-Day.

Hours later commandos from Lord Lovat’s 1st Special Service Brigade landed at Sword Beach and marched three miles to relieve the airborne troops at Pegasus Bridge.

The farmhouse at Amfreville then became the first Allied headquarters with the operation to liberate occupied France and secure freedom in Europe in full swing. 

Despite its majestic history the property has been allowed to fall into disrepair and in 2022 the roof fell in. The scandal has prompted veterans and relatives of those who fought and fell in Normandy to launch a campaign to force French authorities to buy the land and return the historic farmhouse to its former glory. 

Campaign coordinator Geoffroy Platel, 42, a former sergeant in the French Colonial Field Artillery, has gained 3,000 signatures as he attempts to preserve the building for the vital role it played.

Mr Platel, 42, said: „We want to preserve this historic site which, from June 6, 1944 onwards, served as a stronghold for Lord Lovat’s Commando Brigade and was home to other British units.

“It is an essential place in the history of the Battle of Normandy.

„After the war, the Saulnier family always welcomed veterans and their families to their farm, as well as the onlookers, to share and perpetuate the memory of our heroes.

„At the end of June 2022, the roof of the barn collapsed, and we are in contact with the municipality to study solutions.

„It is up to all of us to express our interest in this site and to ensure that it remains a symbolic place of remembrance.“

Major Howard’s band of heroes landed in near silence and darkness in three wooden gliders just yards from Bénouville Bridge, a road crossing over the Caen Canal between Caen and Ouistreham.

His force of 181 men took the Germans by surprise and captured the bridge, and nearby Horsa Bridge, within 10 minutes. They lost two men in the process Lieutenant Den Brotheridge and Lance corporal Fred Greenhalgh.

Octave Saulnier, a friendly farmer, offered his buildings as shelter for the soldiers to set up a headquarters while they held off German counter-offensives. 

After the war Mr Saulnier’s son, Bernard, hosted annual gatherings. His wife Suzanne continued the tradition after he died and still lives there aged 101.

During the invasion troops faced heavy artillery fire for several days but Commando Farm, as it became known, was an impenetrable Allied village with sleeping areas and a field hospital.

The commandos were there for two months and the bridges were used as a launching point for operations into France.

Mr Platel said: „We have to save the memories of what the British commandos did.

„They used this farm as the first real stronghold in the D-Day invasion, without the commandos at the farm stopping reinforcements the invasion of the beaches would have been so much harder.

„The commandos stayed two months at the farm and they set up a mini village with an infirmary, kitchen, dormitories and a planning room.

„Even after the war veterans still gathered there, during the 1980s around 800 veterans and their families would arrive.

„Mr Saulnier used to pay for all of the food as he was well off and it was a celebration of freedom.

„He always welcomed enthusiasts and historians to the farm to look around.

„I hope that the farmland is sold to the French government and restored to be used as a memorial.“

John Millin, the son of Lord Lovat’s famous piper William “Mad Bill” Millin, the commando who strode along Sword Beach playing uplifting ditties on his treasured bagpipes as the landings started, gave the project his full support.

He said: „This farm is one of the most important sites in Normandy, all of the most famous commandos were there.

„My father was famous for playing his bagpipes during the D-Day landings and when the commandos crossed Pegasus Bridge.

„He served Lord Lovat faithfully, even going against official army regulations when he played at Sword beach.

„I think that such a special location needs to be restored and treated with respect.

„Ideally, the roof would be repaired and information boards would be put up to keep the history alive.“

Siobhan Lancaster’s late father James Lancaster was a commando who served alongside Lord Lovat on D-Day.

He made it to the farmhouse and carved his name and the date of 7/6/44 on an internal wall.

During an emotional visit last year Miss Lancaster visited the farmhouse and saw the carving made 80-years earlier.

She said: „It was amazing because it looked like he could have carved it yesterday.

„The farm is habitable but parts of it are crumbling and falling down. But it should be preserved as a memorial for the Commando Association. „

Ursula Corcoran, director of the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum, which incorporates the Ox & Bucks Light Brigade, said: „Saulnier Farm which acted as the first Allied HQ on D-Day is well known to the museum and as we approach the 80th anniversary of D-Day we are reminded almost on a daily basis of the significance of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry on their role in June 1944.  

„We hope the vital repairs needed on the farm are carried out to ensure the building can be part of this story for years to come. The significance of the heritage of this building should not be underestimated.“

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